18 Things I’ve Learned in Almost 19 Years

…learnt by yours truly. In no particular order. And 29.5 because who knows if they will be alive at 30. 1. People will think what they want to think. You can explain your point of view until you are blue in the face and they will even nod and “hmm” and “aah” but if they […]

via 30 lessons in 29.5 years — Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Exactly? I don’t know.

Giving credit where credit is due – I read this and couldn’t help but to spread my life lessens as well. Bless this girl and her blog, so glad I stumbled upon it! I wish someone had told me this the day I was born

  1. You aren’t going to talk to those people after high school. IT’S THE TRUTH. Start listening to the people who tell you this!
  2. It’s okay to not be on fleek everyday. Feel like sleeping in? Do it. Don’t have time to do your makeup? FUCK IT. Looking pretty is nice, but it’s not everything. People will not shun you because you didn’t wing your eyes and contour your cheek bones.
  3. Stop worrying what everyone thinks about everything you do. You’re only on this Earth for so long. Why is Eric so important that he’s stopping you from living your life? DO YOU.
  4. Don’t do something just because everyone else is doing it. Peer pressure is real, and if you’re not comfortable with something, you don’t have to do it. Your friends aren’t going to hate you because of it, and if they do, you’re better than that and need different friends. Some day you’re going to look back and realize that.
  5. It’s okay to make mistakes, you’ll learn a lot from your dumb mistakes that you think you’ll never live down. And you’ll have funny stories to look back on. But don’t go overboard, “its okay to make mistakes” is not an excuse to continuously and purposely fuck up. Not okay
  6. You’re going to lose friends. It’s okay. You’ll make new ones. You’ll reconnect with old ones. As you grow older, you’ll grow apart and meet new people and grow up.
  7. You’re never as quiet as you think you are when you’re drunkenly stumbling in at 3am. I always suspected this but my suspicions were recently confirmed when my stepmom did a reenactment of me trying to get to bedroom- on numerous occasions when I’d woken her up. There were also times I stumbled right past her and didn’t even notice. #alcohol
  8. Even though it feels like it’s not, it’s okay to not have your life figured out at 18. Or 20. Or 25. It comes with time and patience and learning. It’s scary and stressful and you’re still going to worry about it.
  9. Dry shampoo is a life saver. SKIP THE SHOWER. USE THE DRY SHAMPOO. Sleep in for 20 minutes. Do your homework. Take your dog on a damn walk, visit your grandma. Life is too short to shower everyday. Go dance in the fucking rain and then dry shampoo that shit.
  10. Write down 3 things you’re thankful for everyday. It puts things in perspective, especially when you’re down and feel as if you have nothing to be thankful for. Just 3 things every single day. Do you have a roof over your head? That’s something to be thankful for. Did you have a meal today? Do you still have data on your phone?
  11. Retail therapy is real thing. Feeling really down? Head to VS. Hit up the 7 for $27. Go to TJ Maxx and spend too much money and look hot as fuck for the next week. Buy a new eyeshadow palette and some mascara and take a bomb ass selfie. Buy something for your house. Buy a candle. Just buy something. Buy lots of things.
  12. Spring cleaning is also therapy. Clean out your closet, go through your clothes, get rid of things, sell things. Making money is fun. Finding old things is fun. You’ll have room for new things, it’ll look better, and it’s so refreshing to have everything organized.
  13. Trust your instincts. You think Bobby is just using you for sex? He probably is. Have a feeling Sally is sleeping with your boyfriend? She probably is. Trust your gut. It’s usually right. If you think you’re going to regret something, you probably will.
  14. Try new things. It makes life more enjoyable. There’s so many things to do in this world and try them all, you’re bound to find something you love. You can learn how to do anything on the internet. Find a hobby. Blogging. Planting. Photography. Makeup. Fitness. Get cool pets. Find you something you love. 
  15. Your happiness is important, but if doing something to make yourself happy is going to cause major problems, it’s not worth it. Example: Sleeping with your best friend’s hot ex is going to make you happy. Not worth it. Don’t put your happiness in front of hers. I know this from personal experience. Do. Not. Do. It.
  16. If they wanna be in your life, they will be in it. That may be the number one, most important thing I’ve learned thus far.
  17. Less is more! The less you mess up, the more accepting people are when you do. For instance, if you’ve never missed work in 3 years and one night you get too trashed to make it in by 3am…or even call in for yourself… Your boss will be mad but she’ll probably forgive you. This might’ve been me last night. This is just one of a thousand examples of this. Less is for sure more, almost every time. No matter what.
  18. There are some things in life you just can’t change. And you have to face that and move on.

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